Achievements, Goals & Subscribers Gift

Happy New Year my Friends~ ★! The best wishes for all of you in this 2015, let’s work hard to achieve all of our goals and dreams! Today I’ll make a small recap about the 2014 achievements, 2015 goals and also I’ll give you, my dear readers, a small gift for this 2015.
:: 2014 Achievements & Subscribers Gift ::
- I began blogging with a schedule in order to be consistent updating once or twice every week.
- Re-opened my Etsy shop, made a simple business plan and finally found my target market.
- Took several online conferences (mainly on Alt), webinars and eCourses; I learned a lot about networking, marketing, business and blogging.
- I began setting monthly goals which helped me a lot with my organization.
- Found the motivation I needed to keep working hard for my brand/blog.
- ... Dyed my Hair~! :P
- Little by little I started making some online presence. Thanks to this networking I was able to interact with the bloggers who I admire and also met new wonderful bloggers who inspire and motivate me to keep moving on ♥.
If you’re not in the subscribers list don’t worry my friend; you can easily subscribe just by typing your name and email address HERE (I promise I won’t spam) and you’ll get an email with the PDF tutorial~. Also you’ll keep getting blog updates directly in your inbox and special offers, advice, discounts and gifts I’ll give throughout the year only to my lovely subscribers ♥.
:: 2015 Wishes ::
- Keep following my working and blogging schedule to be organized.
- Create and follow an expenses plan.
- Improve or re-design KooriStyle's blog layout.
- Focus 100% into my new target market.
Start making some monthly income from my brand/shop.Make an income of 15K in 2015! (Thank you so much Alex for this goal idea ♥!)- Google Analytics: Have 1K+ pageviews on a month and try to maintain that statistic.
- Be consistent in create new products for my Etsy shop.
- Learn more techniques for making doll items.
- Rent and use a PO box.
- Make more YouTube videos.
- Adapt room with shelves for better craft organization.
- Make a new cosplay.
- Learn and try more cosplay techniques.
- Read my pending books.
- Get new glasses.
- Be healthier (eat better, drink more water, make some exercise like talking walks…).
- Start saving money! (I want to travel more in the future & buy a new PC)
- Backup PC data in external HD.
- Practice a lot my English pronunciation.
- Practice again Japanese~
- Before the year ends get/design a new KAWAII 2016 agenda/planner
P.S. Made a change to my personal IG account, changed it from @KooriCosplay to @KooriStyle.Cori ;)