Monthly Wishes #7
Hi Friends~! A new month has begun! February is one of my favorites months… leaving aside the remaining cold days from winter :P .This year February is going to be a busy month for my since I have several projects and goals to achieve. The one that excites me the most is a small giveaway I’m planning for my lovely friends/subscribers ♥. I’ll post more information about this giveaway on my Birthday (February 16) ★!
✓ Create and follow an expenses plan☓ Install room shelves
✓ Rent a PO box
✓ Renew KooriStyle domain
✓ Make and upload my handmade doll items on KooriStyle’s etsy shop
✓ Plan my 1st giveaway
✓ Upload my first try of video-tutorial (Watch the "pull-tab" letter tutorial HERE)
☐ Install room shelves☐ Craft Organization
☐ Hold my 1st “Birthday” Giveaway
☐ Make and upload more handmade doll items on KooriStyle’s etsy shop
☐ Complete a new Monthly Challenge
☐ Use more Twitter!
What's your monthly wish for February? I’d love to read your goal below ♥! Have a lovely week and I'll see you soon!