Planner Goodies Haul

by - March 24, 2015

Koori KooriStyle Kawaii Cute Planner Planner Goods Goodies Target Michael's Walmart Haul Washi Tape Sticky Notes Ribbon

Hi Friends~ I hope your week is going great! Lately my weeks have been very busy, but that makes me happy because I’m working on new projects ♥. Today I’ll try for the first time a “Haul” blog post; I’ve seen several on Blogs and YouTube channels that I wanted to give it a try. If you’re following me on my personal IG (@KooriStyle.Cori) maybe you’ve already seen some of these items ;)

Koori KooriStyle Kawaii Cute Planner Planner Goods Goodies Target Michael's Walmart Haul Washi Tape Sticky Notes Ribbon
First is the Walmart’s Haul. I found these lovely washi tapes for about $0.50 USD! I’m a huge fan of this tape but it’s kind of difficult to find it where I live so… I’m thinking maybe I’ll have to order some online :P

Koori KooriStyle Kawaii Cute Planner Planner Goods Goodies Target Michael's Walmart Haul Washi Tape Sticky Notes Ribbon
Next is Target’s Haul~ I had to go to the dollar spot ^.^/★ Here I bought several sticky notes and magnetic pads, some paper clips, gel pens and the hello panda vanilla cookies that I LOVE :D

Koori KooriStyle Kawaii Cute Planner Planner Goods Goodies Target Michael's Walmart Haul Washi Tape Sticky Notes Ribbon
At Michael’s I bought two lovely book boxes, their decoration and space is amazing and maybe I’ll use them as “doll houses”. Also I got some more washi tape and other tools. Tip: Whenever you visit Michael’s remember to check their web site for coupons; for this purchase I used a 40% off on an item coupon ;)

Koori KooriStyle Kawaii Cute Planner Planner Goods Goodies Target Michael's Walmart Haul Washi Tape Sticky Notes Ribbon
Lastly at random stores I bought deco tape and envelopes (for shipping orders) and a cute cell phone portable charger; the design is simple and pretty, I’ve used it several times and it works great!

Which was your favorite item? Ah~ I wish I had a Target and Michael’s nearby so I could buy lots of cute stationery and supplies hehe. Have a lovely day my friends~ ♥!