Monthly Wishes #9
Hi Friends~! a new month has arrived. I can't believe how fast 2015 is going by; I still have many projects to complete but I'm working on them little by little :)

(You can get this printable blog planner HERE)
✓ Install room shelves
✓ Practice more my English and Japanese
✓ Make and upload more handmade items on KooriStyle’s Etsy shop
✓ Send friend’s snail mail & winner’s prize
✓ Interact more in YouTube!
☐ Start using my Kikki.K Planners~ (I’m still waiting for them to arrive :P)
☐ Complete The Nectar Collective’s Instagram Challenge
☐ Design and upload digital items on KooriStyle’s Etsy shop
☐ Record a couple of videos to edit and upload to Youtube
☐ Keep interacting on YouTube and my two Instagram accounts!
What's your monthly wish for April? I’d love to read your goal below ♥! Have a lovely week and I'll see you soon~!
( Linking up with The Nectar Collective's Monthly Wishes )