Plan With Me: July's Monthly Decoration

by - June 30, 2016

Tutorial, DIY, Handmade, Crafts, Kawaii, Cute, Paper, Koori Style, Koori Style, Koori, Style, Planner, Planning, Stationery, Deco, Decoration, Time Planner, Kikki K, Filofax, Washi, Deco, Tape, Monthly, Journal, Agenda, Stickers, Medium, Live Bright, Ring Planner, Plan With Me, Set Up, Sticky Note, 和紙テープ, プランナー, 플래너, July, Julio

Hi Friends~ today's video is about the monthly decoration for July! I'll be using the 2016 cute inserts on my medium Kikki K time planner; I'll decorate by using some washi tape, stickers, post its, page flags and also some Hello Kitty stickers ♥.

Tutorial, DIY, Handmade, Crafts, Kawaii, Cute, Paper, Koori Style, Koori Style, Koori, Style, Planner, Planning, Stationery, Deco, Decoration, Time Planner, Kikki K, Filofax, Washi, Deco, Tape, Monthly, Journal, Agenda, Stickers, Medium, Live Bright, Ring Planner, Plan With Me, Set Up, Sticky Note, 和紙テープ, プランナー, 플래너, July, Julio

Do you have any special plans for this month? See you soon my friends, have a nice day ♥!

Spanish/Español: ¡Hola amigas(os)! El día de hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes un vídeo sobre planificación. Haré la decoración mensual de Julio en mi planificador (agenda) Kikki K empleando distintas cintas washi, calcomanias (pegatinas) y post its. Recuerden que los vídeos nuevos ya tienen subtítulos en español para que puedan disfrutarlos mejor *abrazos* :)